I'm sitting in the pediatrician's office, waiting to see Dr. H with Alex (when he had the pukey morning). I'm flipping through Parenting magazine, the April 2008 edition. I look down at the bottom of the page and see a tiny little poll:
Which TV Dad would you rather marry?
Pictured below the poll are: Hannah Montana's dad, Caillou's dad, and (drumroll please) DRAKE AND JOSH'S DAD!
Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! Mr. Kotter! Ooo Mr. Kotter! Ooo!
When I was in high school, you're darn TOOTING I wanted to marry Drake and Josh's dad. "How is that possible?" you ask. "Well," I reply, "That's 'cause Drake and Josh's dad is played by a guy named Jonathan Goldstein and we went to school together!" Class of 1982, thankyouverymuch. I had a MONDO crush on him for a long long time.
(Little secret -- if you look in my Junior High School yearbook, you'll notice that Jon's photo has been cut out and then taped back in. That's because I snipped it out and put it in my locket when I was in 9th grade!) (Ah, young love.)
So yes, I would rather marry Drake and Josh's dad. Too bad he only got 7% of the vote, huh. :( Ah well, we all love you, Jonathan!
Cool beans! We love Drake and Josh in this house. Neat to know that you know the dad. He's a funny actor. :)